Category: CSA


CSA C22.2 NO. 248.3:00 (R2019)

CSA C22.2 NO. 248.3:00 (R2019)

Low-Voltage Fuses – Part 3: Class CA and CB Fuses (Tri-national standard, with UL 248-3, second edition, and the first edition of NMX-J-009/248/3-2000-ANCE)
standard by CSA Group, 08/01/2000

CSA Z24512:10 (R2019)

CSA Z24512:10 (R2019)

Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services – Guidelines for the management of drinking water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water services (Adopted ISO 24512:2007, First edition 2007-12-01, with Canadian deviations)
standard by CSA Group, 01/01/2010

CSA N285.4-14

CSA N285.4-14

Periodic inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant components
standard by CSA Group, 05/01/2014

CSA C22.2 NO. 239-17

CSA C22.2 NO. 239-17

Control and Instrumentation Cables
standard by CSA Group, 04/01/2017

CSA O86-09

CSA O86-09

Engineering Design in Wood, Includes Update No. 1 (2010), Update No. 2 (2011), Update No. 4 (2012)
standard by CSA Group, 05/01/2009

CSA HGV 2-2014 (R2019)

CSA HGV 2-2014 (R2019)

Compressed hydrogen gas vehicle fuel containers
standard by CSA Group, 06/01/2014

CSA P.9-11 (R2015)

CSA P.9-11 (R2015)

Test method for determining the performance of combined space and water heating systems (combos), Includes Update No. 1 (2012)
standard by CSA Group, 01/01/2011

CSA ANSI Z83.11-2002/CSA 1.8-2002

CSA ANSI Z83.11-2002/CSA 1.8-2002

Gas Food Service Equipment
standard by CSA Group, 09/01/2002

CSA N285.0-12/N285.6 SERIES-12

CSA N285.0-12/N285.6 SERIES-12

General requirements for pressure-retaining systems and components in CANDU nuclear power plants/Material Standards for reactor components for CANDU nuclear power plants, Includes Update No. 1 (2013), Update No. 2 (2014), Update No. 3 (2018)
standard by CSA Group, 08/01/2012

CSA C22.2 NO. 38-05

CSA C22.2 NO. 38-05

Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables (Tri-National standard, with UL 44 and ANCE NMX-J-451)
standard by CSA Group, 07/01/2005