Category: ANS


ANS 6.4-1985

ANS 6.4-1985

Guidelines on the Nuclear Analysis and Design of Concrete Radiation Shielding for Nuclear Power Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 03/01/1985

ANS 3.2-1988

ANS 3.2-1988

Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/06/1989

ANS 55.1-2021

ANS 55.1-2021

Solid Radioactive Waste Processing System for Light-Water-Cooled Reactor Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 12/02/2021

ANS 3.14-2021

ANS 3.14-2021

Process for Infrastructure Aging Management and Life Extension of Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities
standard by American Nuclear Society, 08/05/2021

ANS 56.8-2020

ANS 56.8-2020

Containment System Leakage Testing Requirements
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/2020

ANS RA-S-1.4-2021

ANS RA-S-1.4-2021

Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Advanced Non-Light Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants – ANSI/ASME/ANS RA-S-1.4-2021
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/2021

ANS 2.29-2020

ANS 2.29-2020

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/16/2020

ANS 58.14-1993

ANS 58.14-1993

Safety and Pressure Integrity Classification Criteria for Light Water Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1993

ANS 2.30-2015 (R2020)

ANS 2.30-2015 (R2020)

Criteria for Assessing Tectonic Surface Fault Rupture and Deformation at Nuclear Facilities
standard by American Nuclear Society, 05/26/2015

ANS 5.1-2005

ANS 5.1-2005

Decay Heat Power in Light Water Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/01/2005