IEC 61784-2-4 Ed. 1.0 b:2023

Industrial networks – Profiles – Part 2-4: Additional real-time fieldbus profiles based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3 – CPF 4
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 03/01/2023

ASME NM.2-2022

ASME NM.2-2022

Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin Piping Systems
standard by ASME International, 01/20/2023

NACE RP0386-2003

NACE RP0386-2003

Standard Recommended Practice – Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of Covered Hopper Rail Cars in Plastic, Food and Chemical Service
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 03/17/2003

AAMI TIR45:2023

AAMI TIR45:2023

Guidance on the use of agile practices in the development of medical device software
standard by Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 03/15/2023

IEC 62282-3-201 Ed. 2.1 b:2022

IEC 62282-3-201 Ed. 2.1 b:2022

Fuel cell technologies – Part 3-201: Stationary fuel cell power systems – Performance test methods for small fuel cell power systems CONSOLIDATED EDITION
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 02/01/2022

BS 5422:2023

BS 5422:2023

Thermal insulating materials for pipes, tanks, vessels, ductwork and equipment operating within the temperature range –40 °C to +700 °C. Method for specifying
standard by BSI Group, 06/30/2023

IEC 60840 Amd.1 Ed. 5.0 en:2023

IEC 60840 Amd.1 Ed. 5.0 en:2023

Amendment 1 – Power Cables With Extruded Insulation And Their Accessories For Rated Voltages Above 30 KV (Um= 36 KV) Up To 150 KV (Um = 170 KV) – Test Methods And Requirements
Amendment by International Electrotechnical Commission, 06/01/2023

NACE G193-10a

NACE G193-10a

Standard Terminology and Acronyms Relating to Corrosion
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 03/01/2010

NACE TM0197-2002

NACE TM0197-2002

Laboratory Screening Test to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Barium Sulfate and/or Strontium Sulfate from Solution
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 01/01/2002

IEC 61076-8-106 Ed. 1.0 b:2023

IEC 61076-8-106 Ed. 1.0 b:2023

Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment – Product requirements – Part 8-106: Power connectors – Detail specification for 2-poles push-pull coupling rectangular connectors with fuses, for 400 V DC rated voltage and 16 A rated current
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 07/01/2023